Wake up and Shake up

As part of the curriculum, we have introduced wake up and shake up. This activity encourages large gross motor skills during a musical movement session. The children take part in action songs, popular music dances and cultural musical dances. This has become a beloved part of our daily routine, for

Graduation 2021

This time of year is always bittersweet for us, we are sad we are losing our cohort of children to ‘big school’. However we are also so proud of the children as they leave us ready for their  next adventure. This year is no exception, we wish all the children well on this next part [&he

International Mud Day

  On June 29th 2021 the children at Longbarn Celebrated International Mud day this is why! Apart from the fact playing in mud is just so much fun we also wanted: To Be One with Earth One good reason to celebrate this day is that this is the perfect opportunity for us to be one […]