At Woolston we have been celebrating Christmas through various events. We have had our Christmas Dinner which our cook Linda prepared and cooked for us, it was a fabulous feast with turkey and all the trimmings including pigs in blankets, sprouts and even a firm favourite here a Yorkshire pudding. We followed our Christmas dinner with a Chocolate reindeer yule log cake. Everyone enjoyed this and left clean empty plates. Our Christmas party was also a success filled with lots of festive activities, music singing and dancing with different games and prizes to be won. The children and staff dressed for this occasion in festive attire or party wear. We are also celebrating Christmas jumper day and having a Carol concert to share our Christmas songs with our parents and carers. All the children are very excited for Christmas and loved that Father Christmas was able to visit us at Nursery. Over the festive period we have really developed our social skills, knowledge and understanding of the world around us and taking part in our celebrations. We have promoted our British values and most of all had lots of fun together with our friends and family.
December 14,2017