Author Archives: WITW Admin

Food Bank Collection

In line with International Food Day; to support this cause all the children and families at Sefton worked with their key persons to help collect various food items and necessities for their local food bank. The children did a fabulous job collecting for their Food Bank and really enjoyed being part

Autumn at Longbarn

The children at Longbarn have been exploring the Autumn leaves in the garden helping to clear the garden brushing all the leaves into one area before having lots of fun playing in them, listening to the sounds they make when we stand, jump and walk through them. We also had lots of fun throwing them

Yoga at Woolston

The children in 2-5’s at Woolston have been participating in Children’s Yoga activities. They have been learning various positions and breathing techniques ranging from various abilities to strengthen their core muscles, balance and co-ordination. Linking to this teaches the children abo